Ah, January. The holiday chaos is behind us, the New Year resolutions are in full swing (or wobbling, no judgment!), and your houseplants are relying on you to help them thrive during the darkest, chilliest time of the year. For beginner plant parents, January can be tricky—plants often change behavior, making it harder to know what they need. But don’t worry! Here are three simple things you can do to keep your green babies happy and healthy this month.
1. Give Your Houseplants A Nice Warm Shower
Forget the basic “stick your finger in the soil” advice—let’s turn watering into a spa experience. Your plants aren’t just thirsty; they’re dusty, too!
What to do:
- Take your tropical style plants (tip: generally those with lush leaves or trailing plants are most likely tropical) into the bathroom and give them a gentle, very lukewarm shower. Not only will this water them, but it will also wash off any dust that’s blocking their leaves from soaking up light.
- Remember that some plants can’t take a shower (looking at you, cactus crew), use a soft, damp cloth to wipe down their leaves.
Why it works: it replicates the misty rainy climates of the rainforest, giving your houseplants a taste of home. It can also dislodge and hidden nasties!

2. Rotate Your Houseplants Round, Round
It's easy to forget that your plant isn't just chilling in its same spot, not moving. Your houseplants are always growing and changing - and that means that they will lean toward the light—always. If you leave your plant for too long, it can make the houseplant look lopsided or even grow weaker on the darker side. This is even more prevalent when it comes to winter.
What to do:
- When you're having your Sunday coffee in the morning, give your plant a little spin—just a small 90 degree turn. It will make sure that those leaves grow big, strong and even looking.
- Are you an extra passionate plant person who wants to take it to the next level? Set a reminder to rotate your plants, and track their growth. Your fiddle leaf fig will strike a post!
3. Treat Your Houseplants to a Mini "Winter Sun Retreat"
Your plants are craving light right now, but moving them closer to a window isn’t always enough. Let’s channel vacation vibes for your plants.
What to do:
- Every few weeks, move your light-loving plants (like succulents and monsteras) to the sunniest spot in your home for a few days—kind of like a weekend getaway. By rotating your plants into the sunniest spot, it will top up those rays and get them all through the winter months in a healthier way.
- If you have grow lights, make it fun: Set up a “plant lounge” with your plants grouped together, lights shining down, and maybe some background music (okay, the music is for you, but still).
Why it works: Giving your plants short bursts of maximum light can mimic the brighter conditions they’d find in nature, keeping them energized and happier during those dim winter weeks.