Ok so if you're like us and absolutely love a pumpkin spiced latte and crunchy fall leaves, you'll also want to know what to do with your indoor plants to keep them thriving and healthy. As the seasons change from summer to fall, you're going to start noticing shorter days, cooler temperatures, and changes in humidity. These key elements really affect your houseplants - so beware! Read on to discover some of our top tips for fall houseplant care.
1. Change Your Watering Schedule To Make The Most Of Fall Houseplant Care
Overwatering and underwatering can be an absolute nightmare in Fall! In warmer weather, your houseplants are thirsty. But as we move into cooler temps, their need for water reduces over time. Decreases in sunlight during Fall are also a big contributor to your houseplant's thirst.
Watering tips for your houseplants in fall:
- Use your finger or moisture meter to check houseplant soil regularly: in fall, you'll be looking to drop your watering to every 10-14 days, but make sure you regularly check your soil. Depending on the changing weather, it might need a little more, or a little less.
- Let your water sit or make sure it's room-temperature: did you know that fridge cold water can shock your houseplants? In fall, temperatures can be a bit erratic, so it's important to reduce other temperature stress by using room temperature water.
2. Find The Right Light for Houseplants in Fall
The earlier fall months might still be bright and light, but as they fall gets closer to winter, you'll notice shorter days and less sunlight. Keep an eye on this, because it can easily mean your houseplants suddenly become light deficient. Here's what you can do to fix it! w
Tips for the best light for houseplants in fall:
- Group your plants and move them a bit closer to windows: south facing windows are a great source of light, so look for the brightest place in the room, and position your houseplants there.
- Keep rotating your plants: by turning your houseplants everytime you water them, you will make sure all the leaves are getting even light exposure. It will also keep your plants straight, because they won't lean towards the light!
- Try grow lights to convert dark spaces into the perfect home for houseplants: grow lights provide full spectrum light to your houseplants, and simulates sunlight - perfect for dark corners!
3. Avoid Chemical Fertilizers AT ALL COSTS! Bioactive Fertilizers Are Best For Fall Houseplant Care.
Did you know that bioactive fertilizers like We the Wild's Grow Concentrate can be used all year round? It's because bioactive fertilizers are made from natural, organic ingredients that contain beneficial microbes and fungi. These are gentler and more effective for houseplants or potted plants, and can keep your houseplants thriving and stress free as they move through cooler months.
Why should I use bioactive fertilizer for my houseplants in fall?
- Nutrients are more available for plants to use: synthetic fertilizer can actually shock plants, which isn't good news if they're already transitioning into a new season. Bioactive fertilizer works with the houseplant's natural function, to help it grow like it would in its natural environment.
- Bioactive houseplant fertilizers improve soil health: anything made with organic ingredients are going to enrich the soil. But bioactive is even better, because it adds beneficial microbes to your houseplant soil. That's a WIN for the planet, and your plants!
- Bioactive fertilizer can be used throughout all seasons: There's so much change for plants in fall and winter; they don't need even more! If you switch to bioactive fertilizer, like our Grow Concentrate or
4. Make Sure The Temperature Is Consistent To Keep Those Indoor Plants Thriving in Fall
Temperature fluctuations are your biggest thing to look out for when it comes to keeping houseplants happy in fall. Some days it's warm, some days it can be cool. Some nights it's balmy, and then an icy breeze can set in. All of these fluctuations can impact your houseplant's health. The best rule of thumb is; preempt weather changes, and try to keep your houseplants as consistent as possible.
Here's some top tips when it comes to temperatures in fall:
- Look out for drafts: keep your houseplants set back from open windows, or heaters. These tend to blast your plant with dry, hot or cold air. If your plant is already stressed, it will make it even worse!
- What's comfortable for you, generally is comfortable for your plant: if you need a big thick coat inside, odds are your tropical planty pal isn't going to be thriving. Keep your house at a balmy temperature during fall, and your houseplants should be ok.
5. Prune and Clean Your Houseplants Leaves
Your houseplants are coming out of a growth spurt, and sometimes that can mean that they have leaves that may not be at their best. As you move into fall, you want to make sure that your plant is diverting its energy into the healthiest growth, and not trying to keep damaged leaves alive.
Pruning tips for houseplants in fall
- Clean up dead or damaged leaves: give leaves a snip if they need it. Cut close to the base. You can shred these leaves and put them on top of the soil for added organic material!
- Use Leaf Cleaning Gloves: as light reduces, reducing dust build up becomes more important. Use our Leaf Cleaning Gloves to lift of photosynthesis blocking dust.
- Snip off leggy stems: spindly stems are another no-no. If you have some spindly or leafless branches, give them a trim before it gets to winter.