Why Is Overwatering Houseplants More Common in Winter And How Do I Fix It?

Why Is Overwatering Houseplants More Common in Winter And How Do I Fix It?

Did you know that in winter, it's far easier for houseplants to be overwatered than underwaterered? There's a few reasons why and there's a couple of critical steps you can take to make sure that your indoor plants are fighting fit during winter. 


Why is Overwatering Houseplants More Common in Winter? 

When the weather is cold like in winter, you could expect that the moisture in the soil won't evaporate as quickly as you would expect in warmer seasons like spring and summer. Plants are also slower growing in winter. That means that your houseplants won't be as thirsty as they usually are, and so water is more likely to stay sitting in your houseplant's soil. 

How Do I Avoid Overwatering Houseplants During Winter? 

When it comes to overwatering houseplants, there are 5 things you can do to avoid the problems that come with too much moisture. 


1. Check your soil with your finger

Stick your finger about an inch into the topsoil. Your finger should be submerged in the soil up to your second knuckle. Pull your finger out. Is your finger moist? Does it have soil sticking to the skin? That's a sign that your houseplant is well watered and you don't need to water your indoor plants. If it's dry and soil falls away from your skin, it's time to water your houseplants!


2. Use a moisture meter

If you don't like the sound of using a finger to check the soil, there are some cost effective moisture meters on the market that will tell you if your plants need water. Stick the end of the meter into the soil, and follow instructions to check the moisture levels. 


3. Water your houseplants every 2-3 weeks

Cut back your watering significantly during winter to reduce the risk of overwatering your indoor plants. Most plants will be ok with as much as 3 weeks between drinks. Others may prefer more frequent watering. 


4. Give them extra light

Using a Grow Light during winter can increase your plant's ability to absorb water and in doing so, you could expect the houseplant soil to dry out faster. Always choose a full spectrum grow light made for houseplants. 


5. Use Enrich Powder frequently in winter

Did you know that Enrich Powder can help prevent and fight abiotic stress in plants? That means that issues like overwatering can be reduced by regularly sprinkling Enrich Powder on the soil of your indoor plants...even in winter!

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