How to use Enrich

Use to support strong roots and healthy soil.

Enrich Powder has the benefit of a little plant health helper called mycorrhizal fungi! This type of fungus supports your plant’s roots health.

Sprinkle Enrich Powder into the topsoil every time you water your
plants, or mix through soil when repotting.

Watch the quick video below to learn more or scroll to our FAQs!


How much powder should I use?

There’s no need for precise doses with our simple to use products, but to get the most out of your product, we recommend:

2 tsp for 3-6” pots

3 tsp for 7-10” pots

4 tsp for 10”+ pots

When repotting, use 3 tsp per quart of soil and mix through thoroughly.

Can I use Enrich with Grow?

For best results, we always recommend using them together! Enrich will focus on building a strong foundation of healthy roots and rich soil, while Grow will get to work helping push out new, healthy growth.

Are there any plants I shouldn’t use Enrich on?

Nope! We made our products specifically for plants in pots, but they work just as well on plants in garden beds, veggies patches, and even for succulents and cacti.

Can I use Enrich for propagation and germination?

Absolutely! Just dip nodes and seeds with some diluted Grow and then coat with Enrich for speedy root development.

Why should I use Enrich if I’m already fertilizing with Grow?

Enrich Powder has the added benefit of a little plant health helper called mycorrhizal fungi! This type of fungus helps your plant’s roots to communicate and form a relationship with the soil that they’re in. The mycorrhizae will help your plants absorb the moisture and nutrients it needs, and helps flush out the stuff that it doesn’t.