It can be a bit of a worrying part of plant care - suddenly, lots of little black insects are buzzing around your plants. If you're a little unsure about fungus gnats, you've come to the right place. One of the biggest questions that you might ask when it comes to fungus gnats and houseplants is; can they harm may plants? Can fungus gnats hurt my pets? And most importantly, are fungus gnats harmful to people?
We've unpacked the key risks for fungus gnats in this little article. Hopefully, it can give you some piece of mind.
Firstly, How Do Fungus Gnats Occur In Houseplants?

Generally, fungus gnats are a sign of overwatering. They live in the topsoil of your houseplants and love moist, damp conditions. If you're looking for a prevention guide, read our guide on how to prevent fungus gnats in your houseplants. This will give you the key tools for preventing these pesky pests. If you're noticing flying insects, but not sure if they're fungus gnats, our quick fungus gnat identification guide is a great resource. Now we've got that covered off, let's dig in!
Do Fungus Gnats Harm Houseplants and Indoor Plants?

We're here to set your mind at ease. For the most part, fungus gnats are mostly a nuisance for your houseplants, rather than a real threat. Adult fungus gnats in particular do not harm your houseplants. However, the little larvae that dwell in the moist soil have the potential to cause a little bit of damage. This is especially the case for really delicate plants or young plants like seedlings or propagations.
Fungus gnat larvae can be a bit dangerous because they actually feed on organic material that is in the soil. Overwatering can break down the organic matter and make it nice and edible for these gnat babies. If the population of larvae expands and becomes too large, it is possible that they will start nibbling on your plant's roots.
Honestly, for large plants, this isn't going to kill them - they can be quite resilient. But watch out for plants with smaller root systems, which may be more susceptible to stress. We always recommend using a root building powder like Enrich Powder here. It prevents abiotic stress in the soil and support resilient root growth in young plants.
Can Fungus Gnats Sting or Bite People?
Well this is good news. Fungus gnats are annoying, but they don't sting and they don't bite. If you're finding bites and stings, odds are its another more sinister pests (likely not related to your houseplants at all). Gnats don't even bite your plant's leaves - so if you're seeing holes coming out of your leaves, it's not the gnats!
So, Are Mean Fungus Gnats Dangerous For Kids?
It can be really worrying to have an infestation of bugs at home, especially with young children. Thankfully, fungus gnats are not really a danger to children....just a danger to your patience! Again, these bugs do not bite or sting so aren't going to attack your kids. It's also important to note that they are not reported to transmit diseases, which is a big relief!
Can Fungus Gnats Harm Pets?
There are a few worries that come to mind when we think about gnats and dogs or cats. Can they live in the fur or hair of my pet? Will they bite my pet? If my pet eats fungus gnats, will they get sick? Luckily, unlike ticks and fleas, fungus gnats have no interest in your furry friend. They live around plants, not on skin or in fur, so they're not going to make a home in the coat of your pet. Similarly, if your dog is equally as annoyed by these flying critters and starts to snack on them, they're not likely going to have any issues.
What Are The Safest Ways to Get Rid Of Fungus Gnats?
It's possible to get rid of fungus gnats in a non-toxic way, without harmful synthetic chemicals that can potentially harm your family. For example, we created these Fungus Gnat Sticky Traps to sit neatly in your pot plant, and catch traps closer to the soil. They're pesticide free and work by catching flying adults, to stop the reproduction of larvae.

You should also completely dry out your houseplants, and try bottom watering. Check out this article on how to water your plants from the bottom. It will keep the topsoil dry and gnat free.
All in All, Fungus Gnats Are Not Harmful For Pets, Kids or Your Plants
Basically, the only thing these guys are damaging, are our nerves. There are some pretty easy things that you can do to tackle fungus gnats and get rid of them, but if by chance you find yourself with an infestation, invent in some sticky traps, perhaps grab a Neem Oil spray as well, and soon, they'll disappear.