earthworm castings

Sustainable Gardening 101: Worm Castings and Why We Love Them

What's the deal with worm castings? Also referred to as castings, vermicast, vermicompost, and worm humus it can be hard to keep all the planty knowledge straight! Keep reading for answers on castings most asked Q's.

What are worm castings?

Worm castings are the product of organic waste that is processed through earth worms - that's right, worm poop! This magical microbial medium is nature's gift to our houseplants 🪴

What are the benefits of worm castings?

Think of worm castings as a probiotic for your plant! This soil amendment is rich in nutrients and minerals that help your plants thrive out in nature. Picture a plant growing in the forrest - the soil is rich with fallen leaves, fungi and animal droppings - worm castings help mimic this biodiversity right in your plant's pot.

Other benefits of worm castings include water retention which helps plants stay hydrated. Castings can also detox your soil from any harmful salt build ups and help prevent against disease and pests - creating a healthier houseplant starting at the soil. 

Worm castings vs. compost

Although worm castings and compost can provide very similar benefits to your plants, organic matter processed through worms will be rich in bacteria and enzymes that aren't found in compost. These additions create a biodiverse environment for your plant to thrive. 

How to use worm castings/how much should I use?

Worm castings are a great addition to any soil mixture. When repotting plants a ratio of 1 parts worm castings to 4 parts soil is a great place to start. If your plant is already in a pot it loves grab a product like Enrich, and sprinkle on your top soil and water in for all the wormy wonders. (we suggest starting with 2 tsp for a 3-6" pot, but there is no harm in being heavy handed).

With chemical fertilizers you have to be careful around dosage to avoid shocking or burning your plants roots. Luckily for plant parents everywhere worm castings are not harmful to your plants if you use too much of them, so measure with your heart. 

Are worm castings safe for pets?

Yes! Worm castings are non-toxic for both pets and humans 💚 Of course we always recommend keeping any planty goodies away from curious furry friends. 

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